Saturday, August 13, 2011

Some yummy food!

Recently I read an article that made me rethink the omelets we had done in bags.  The article discussed how chemicals from the plastic ziplock bags can leach into your food....YUCK (duh, why hadn't I realized this)!  I don't want that for me or the people I am feeding. The article went on to describe that you can still do omelets the easy way, just using a mason jar instead of ziplock bags!  I thought this was a great idea and tried it out when we went to the cabin.  They seemed to work really well so I made them again at home and took pics to show the process.  Enjoy!

 Everyone fills their jar with the ingredients they want

 Gorgonzola+grape tomatoes+pesto+asparagus= YUMMY!!

 Just cheese for the girls!

 Add eggs. Ours are farm fresh from Grammy Pam and Papa Bob! :)

 Mix well, put lids on, label lids

 Boil in water just below the lid level for about 15-20 minutes (depending on size of omelet)

Little girl omelet done first since they had a smaller one! :) 

All done! 

Plate it 

sprinkle with yummy cheese :) and enjoy!

Later that weekend I made the girls' a flower snack, that they really enjoyed 

 Pretty cute, if you ask me!

 She is one happy girl!  I think she had at least seconds and probably thirds :)

Bean likes it too! She is doing  mighty good Vanna impersonation!

So this last one has nothing to do with food, but I promised I would give a teaser to what I am doing for Christmas.  So later I will post what I make with this 4x4 post.  After all, it will be here before we know it!  Any guesses as to what I will make?

1 comment:

  1. I really wish I had eggs this morning! I will be making these very soon :)

    As for the board . . . maybe growth charts or signs. I can't wait to see what you come up with!
