Monday, July 25, 2011

Weekend packed full of fun!!

We started with Ashlyn's second soccer class.  she is really improving and remembering to use her feet only on the ball!  We have been very lucky to have daddy join us at these soccer sessions each week. Hopefully he can keep coming to all the classes!  We only got a couple pictures since Brian and Kelti took advantage of the great play area while Ashlyn and I were building our soccer skills!!

 Mommy and her soccer star!

After the soccer game we headed down to Vancouver to celebrate Taylor's second birthday party!  We had a great time and it was wonderful to see family...
 Ashlyn and her GG Chip at Taylor's bday party!
 Kelti and Daddy pushing Ashlyn around.
 Lots of giggles as they would fall down after jumping around!! :)
 Taylor, the birthday boy!!
 Kelti and Aunt Coco!

We headed home on Saturday since we had lots to do around the house.  On Sunday we got up early went to church and enjoyed the service.  We are attending City Church and really liking it so far.  Kelti isn't thrilled with her class, but we are working on separating. Ashlyn, of course, LOVES her class.  So interesting to see their different perspectives on being separated from us!!
We packed lunch and all our beach stuff before leaving so we could head right to the lake from church.  We all had a blast enjoying the sunshine, playing in the lake and on the awesome play structure!! 
 Ashlyn and Brian practicing jumping!  We had so much fun here!!
 Great job jumping!!

We ended the day with dinner at a yummy local Italian joint....for some reason the name is totally escaping me right now!  It was delicious and we will be going back soon!!!  :)
 Drawing a picture of mommy while waiting for dinner!!
 Here is a pic of me drawn by Ashlyn....LOVE IT!!
 Kelti loves her milk!!
 Love that Ashlyn can take pics of us now!!! Me and my sweet handsome husband!  Love you Bri!!! 
 The whole family out to a super yummy dinner!!
Taking time to smell the flowers!!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Garage sale finds

I remember going to garage sales as a child and how much fun it was to find that special something and that it was especially cool because it was such a great deal.  Well it had been a while and I was really feeling like I wanted to get out and check some sales out. We too often buy things full price and I wanted to see if I could find some deals on items we are needing for our house. 

I struck GOLD!!! 
I have been looking for storage cubbies for the girls' playroom and found these two at a moving sale for $10 a piece.  Brian got a table saw, mitre saw, blower and sawsall!  All at GREAT deals.  I will be back with the project that he is making later!! We also got some other items small items too! 

Rearranged playroom with cubbies!
Loving all the new storage!!

It will probably never look this organized again, but I am so happy with this $20 purchase!!!! 

Soccer fun!

This was Ashlyn's first day at soccer for the summer.  This is the same organization she did soccer with last year.  It is very interesting to watch 2-3 1/2 year olds learn the rules of soccer. :)

Ashlyn and Daddy listening to the coach

 Kelti keeping busy with her own soccer ball

 Running the flags

This is the organization we take soccer with

 Dribbling between the flags

 Go Ashlyn Go!  I love this one!!

Yea for soccer!

Ashlyn's turn at making a GOOOAL!!!

Showing off her soccer stamp!  LOVE this girl!!!

Close-up of stamp, says "kidz love soccer"!


Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Here are some facts about our sweet little Kelti Bean at 18 months old (I know that I am a month late, I have been working on it for a while here and there).  I wanted a blog post dedicated just to her! First of all Kelti is a pretty amazing 18 month old.  I know that lots of second kiddos seem to do things slower than their older siblings and that was true with one thing for her (walking) but I think having someone to compete with has made Kelti into a go-getter!

Here are some things about our sweet girl…..I think you would all be mad if I posted about everything since I am not sure when it would end….can you tell how much I love this girl yet?
Some people/things she loves:
 Ashlyn- She is the first person she asks for in the morning.

Kiki- Kelti loves this cat so much and it is so much fun to watch them playing together.
Dada- obviously she idolizes her dada, watching her face light up and seeing her run to him each day when he returns home from work melts my heart.
Mama- since we have spent hardly any time apart Kelti is seriously an extension of me at times.  Anyone who has spent any amount of time around us knows that she used to cling to me; thankfully she is more independent now and will let me get things done around the house.  She still thinks that I should be right next to her most of the day, mostly so I can cheer for her when she does something great!

Friends and family know that Kelti loves big!  She was once very shy around almost everyone excluding our immediate family, but thankfully she has outgrown this and now loves her grammies, papas, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends.  We enjoy watching all of these relationships bloom. 
Her babies, we have to take a baby doll with us wherever we go.  Some of them are as big as her and scare people in the grocery store when they are both sitting in the seat…we have gotten so many comments about how real that baby is and one man told me that she really loves her sister when she was kissing the baby doll! J

Things she is doing:
Running- I absolutely LOVE watching this girl run, she does it with heart and those little buns wiggling is one of the cutest sights I have ever seen!
Talking- amazingly she can really talk.  She has lots of words that she says, but the amazing thing to me is that she also talks in short sentences 2-4 words most of the time and they are VERY clear! (well at least to me….not sure about others) J
She eats with a spoon and fork really well, especially considering how young she is.
She goes pee pee on the potty daily and has been since she was 15 months old.  We are not trying to potty train her yet, but I don’t see the harm in letting her be a big girl like Ashlyn and mama.

She is trying to read…Kelti will identify letters on everything.  She is right sometimes and mostly is just mimicking her big sis.  She knows A,E and T really well.  She also just started saying/singing h, i, j, k
She sings ABC when washing her hands, I will continue on with the song and pause at different places and she will fill in the letter for me. Pretty darn smart!
She can jump.  This one is really interesting.  We went to SkyHigh Jump in March and Kelti was jumping on the trampolines bouncing up a storm, but Ashlyn wasn’t jumping very well at all.  Are some people more bouncy than others?  (Ashlyn can now jump, and is working on jumping on one foot for ballet) I guess her nickname of Bean works for her being a jumping bean too! J

As of today she is trying to write some letters too.

She knows and names all her body parts.
Things I LOVE about her:
First let me say that I would love this little girl even if she did nothing, but she is amazing so here are some reasons that I love my sweet bean!
Kelti was a surprise to us and I can say that she was first the best surprise ever and two the best gift too!  One friend told me that God gives you the baby you are meant to have when you are meant to have it.  I think that totally applies to Kelti, she is such an important part of our family and we all LOVE her more than I can even tell you. 
          *Side note* I often wonder if everyone feels this way about their children…I know that parents love their kids, but when I think about mine my hearts swells so much that I actually feel like it is going to burst through my chest. Does everyone feel this?  If so that is great!  I feel like shouting how much I love my girls and how wonderful I think they are. 
Kelti has a GIANT heart.  She loves all things living and her babies (this is the name that she has given to all of her baby dolls) too!  I love watching her take care of her babies.  In this video she is kissing the rocks and shells we found at the beach two weekends ago!

If someone gets hurt Kelti is the first person to want to hug them and make it all better by giving them a kiss! She has lots of empathy for others , just like her mama, darn emotions!
She is a daredevil!  This girl can climb and gets herself in some precarious positions.  She also isn’t afraid, which is a dangerous combo.  We have to keep an extra close eye on her to make sure she is staying out of trouble. 

She has the best manners, and not just for a little kiddo, Kelti always says please, thank you, bye-bye and she is working on covering her mouth every time she coughs or sneezes… she has only mastered doing this one out of three times so far.

I love her smile and seeing both of her dimples appear!  So sweet!!

I love the way she rests her head on my shoulder as I sing her a song before bed.

I love her eyes and how I have never seen a pair quite that color before.

Kelti is growing up for sure, but I love that she is content to be my baby for a little longer! :) 

Thanks for reading about our sweet girl and what makes her so special to our family! I may have gone a bit overboard, but hopefully you will forgive me! :) I really want to remember all the things that make Kelti who she right now.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Deck improvement!

We get sun on our deck from about 10ish until sunset.  This is a good thing (we love the sun) and a bad (sun on your face the entire time you are eating is not so fun).  Wanting some shade when we are eating we have been thinking about ways to get some and still keep things light and still let some of the sun through.  This is what we came up with....
Notice the shade that it is already providing!!

 Seems pretty successful so far.  A little reprieve from the blazing afternoon sun, some beauty and next spring it will have some pretty and fragrant blooms. Also provides privacy too!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

4th of July weekend fun!

We kicked off the weekend Friday morning by heading to the zoo with Stephen and Lindsey.  We had a wonderful time seeing all the animals and just being together.  A couple of zoo highlights, we saw the ostriches for the first time.  I guess that they really enjoy their privacy!
We also really enjoyed the giraffes and they were right up to the fence....I LOVE how beautiful they are, simply amazing creatures! The elephants gave us a great show as always.  We ate a pretty yummy lunch and then headed home for a late nap for Miss Kelti Bean.  While Kelti was napping the afternoon away Ashlyn and I donned out swimsuits and soaked up some sun and water on the deck.  Brian got home early and we went out to some yummy Mexican and delicious margaritas too! :)  Funniest thing that happened at dinner was Ashlyn's VERY loud comment as we were leaving.  She ever so loudly declared "Daddy, it's a good thing you make the money so we can spend the money!"  Jeez, we got multiple comments on just how adorable the girls are as we were walking out. Even with that comment!

We had a brunch date with Stephen and Lindsey on Saturday morning.  Let's just say that we can never do anything under rated.  We thought we would do french toast and fruit.  Well we ended up doing cinnamon swirl french toast with fresh homemade blueberry syrup......YUMMY!!!  Add some fresh fruit and mimosas and we were set!!  Again we were blessed with a beautiful day so we took advantage and headed to the beach.  We all had a great time playing in the surf and sand.  

Sunday we tried a new church that we really liked, hoping that it works for us! Ashlyn and Kelti both seemed to really enjoy it and the people there.  From there we tried out a breakfast place we had been wanting to try out downtown.  Everything was super and we could tell that they really like children and were great with the girls!  Again we took advantage of the nice weather and spent some time on the deck.  In the evening Brian's brother and his family came over for some fried chicken and all the fixings. 
       *Okay so a note about the chicken.  The last time I had fried chicken I was still in college and it was from Ken-yucky Fried Chicken, so I wasn't expecting much.  Well this chicken was the good that I am really happy that it is gone, otherwise I would still be stuffing my face with it!

Monday!!  Happy 4th day!  We started out with a yummy breakfast of strawberries, cinnamon rolls, and blueberries (red, white and blue)!  Then we headed to the community parade which was tons of fun and so much bigger than we were expecting! 

 Heading to the parade! Next year they will participate in the children's parade. :)
 The art of eating cotton candy! Ball it up and stuff it in!
 Or stick little whisps of it in your lasts longer this way!
 Two 4th of July beauties!
Two more beauties!

After the parade we did lunch, nap and ended the day with some terrific fireworks with the girls.  Following are some of the reactions they had to the fireworks....
 Learning all about pop-its.  We had a little stomp fest!
All decorated with some confetti
Kelti wishes everyone a happy 4th!

Sorry this is sideways...not sure how to change it!