Saturday, October 29, 2011


Ashlyn's school held a jog-a-thon to raise money for the school. I volunteered to cheer/count laps, Kelti came too and was a big cheerleader for all the joggers!  Watching a bunch of three year olds run laps is hilarious and so fun to watch.  They were all so amped up to RUN!!

 Some stretching before running....very important!

 L-O-V-E her smile in this one.....warming up is FUN!!

 fly-by high fives!  Such a happy girl!  Man I LOVE LOVE LOVE her soooo much!!!

 Running laps with Mrs. Gopen and Natilie

 Six laps later and she is still smiling! :) 

 The whole pre-3 class, what a great group of runners!!

 Obviously this is not running, but it is the night of the jog-a-thon and I thought it was really cute!  My dad and I used to do this when I was little!  :)

Now this is not a happy first we thought that Ash was just really tired after all the running, but she got a low-grade temp and missed a day of school!   :(  Poor girl...she slept all night!  This was taken at 4 in the afternoon the day of the jog-a-thon.  Thankfully one day home was enough to get our girl back to her healthy self.  Because we had double pumpkin patch day that Friday...more about that later!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Go Cougs!!! and Salmon days with the Norris Family!

At the start of October we headed down to Issaquah to spend some time with our friends John and Sara and their super sweet girl Olivia. While the guys watched the WSU football game (and the two littlest girls napped) Sara, Ashlyn and I headed over to check out Salmon Days.  Have you ever checked out this festival?  If not you are missing out.  What a ton of fun and weirdly....most things are FREE!!  That is right free.  Of course there are plenty of things to spend your money on, but you can do this very cheaply!  Yay for saving money and having fun!  We headed back right after half-time to watch the end of the game.  Which was a great move since the game turned around and we WON!!  Brian was certain that this was due to the fact that Ashlyn was there, she is the good luck charm for the Cougs! :)
 Two of the cutest WSU girls EVER!!!  Love these sweet babes!

 Trying to get the girls to stand still for pics is really hard!  Still cute though

Love this sweet girl and her sweet face 

Bubble blowing fun at Salmon days! 

Ashlyn enjoying the Tumble Bus! 

What a climber! 

 Sara, Olivia, and John

After all the fun at Salmon Days Ashlyn ended up taking a nap.  This is a big deal since Ashlyn never naps.

Sweet baby Olivia!  Go Cougs!!

After the little girls were awake and the Cougs won, we headed back over to check the entire festival out.  Ashlyn and Kelti LOVED the bouncy house (as usual)! There were also pony rides, bubbles, cool flying toys, ALL sorts of delicious food and vendors galore!  We walked down to the fish hatchery and watched the salmon swimming up stream, have you ever seen this? I have only seen it once before that I can remember (Multnomah Falls), this was AMAZING, there were soooo many salmon.  It was rally cool watching them try to jump the ladders. 

If you have ever gone you will know that this is a fun way to spend a weekend and if not you should go next year!

Monday, October 17, 2011

What do you mean I only get one cookie??!?!??

This is Kelti's reaction to the fact that there was only one cookie for her.  It is amazing the things that kids focus in on.  She was sooo happy that she got a cookie, especially since she was in the car, and I am trying to keep my car looking nice and endorsing the no food in the car rule.  So this was a special treat.  As soon as she finished she started in on her mantra of more cookie please.  I told her that there was only the one cookie and this was her reaction!  HOLY COW!!!

Never thought one cookie would get this type of response.  :) 

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Seahawks weekend with Grammy and Papa!

A few weekends ago I had the opportunity to go to my first Seahawks game!  It was so much fun and a great a good reason to buy a super cute new Seahawks shirt! We invited Brian's dad and mom to go too, and we all really enjoyed the weekend and game together! 

 Kelti taking some warm-up laps to get ready to watch the game while we were at it!  She has really good running form.

 Showing off for her Grammy and Papa!  Every time we tried to snap a pic she would run even faster trying to escape the photogs (papa, and mama)

 Kelti and Papa D relaxing after all that running :)

 Ashlyn loves the mustache app on Brian's phone...this is what she was doing all during the Kelti running game! :)

 And here are your SEATTLE SEAHAWKS!!!!

 Pre-game pic of me and my sweetie!

 Seagals...very entertaining and they had some super cute poms!  Ashlyn would have loved it!!

 Dennis, Bonnie and Brian, enjoying the beautiful sunny weather. 

 I was enjoying the sun too!

And the Seahawks win!!!!

For my first Seahawks experience I would say that it was superb!  Such a fun time and the one thing I was worried about (noise) wasn't even a problem.... I will be looking forward to my second game for sure!!! Go Seahawks!! 

I can dress myself! and off to daycare I go!

Kelti has been very into dressing herself for the last month and a half.  As you can imagine this leads to some interesting looks. Here are just a few...
Tinkerbell jammy shirt on backwards and off one shoulder, that is the tag sticking out in the front

Look, my sweater is on backwards :)

Another big step in Kelti's life is that she is in daycare halftime four days a week.  She is loving it.  There was a honeymoon period where she loved it, a week or two where she would cry buckets when I left her, (but always stopped before I even got to work, which is about a five minute drive)  she loves torturing me. :)  I am so happy to say that she has settled in great, loves Tawnie (her daycare provider) and the kids so much. 

 Kelti on her first day of daycare!
Ready to rock and roll!!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Summer picnic put on by Brian's office!

The day after we had our fun fair day we headed to the summer picnic that is put on by Brian's office.  This is one fun picnic.  We have now attended three of them and have had so much fun being together and getting to know everyone better. 

They had three jump house toys set up and the girls spent a good amount of the day playing in them.  We also sent our pool over and had an area set up with it and one other.  There is a face painter set up.  The food was yummy, catered BBQ and an ice cream case for dessert.  Then the games began.  It was really cute to watch the little kids and big kids compete in these games and the best part...all the games end with everyone winning a new toy.  Kelti won a lego set and a glow worm baby. and Ashlyn won a Mr. Potato Head (the girls are playing with him right now).

Crazy busy around here....

I have been wanting to get on here and do some blogging, but things have been so busy with my going back to work and now we have come down with our first colds of the year.....except that it is only getting Brian and me.  Which really stinks because the girls are operating at normal levels while we both feel like crap!  Brian seems to have more flu like symptoms, poor Bri! 

I have a whole list that I am going to try to get through for blogging.  :)