Monday, August 1, 2011

First wood project.....SUCCESS!!

YAY! This is so awesome!  Remember all the tools we got for Brian on the great garage sale weekend? Well Brian put them to GREAT use this weekend and built us a beautiful bench for our front porch! 

 Getting all organized for the project
 wood stain (Natural Cedar and Wedgewood)
 Progress is being made!
 Wedgewood stain
 Natural Cedar stain 
 It is really starting to take shape here

 All done
 bench in it's new home
 a bigger view picture
 Chels and Bri enjoying the new bench!  Photo by Ashlyn!!
Ashlyn, Mommy and Kelti say.....we love our bench! Thank you Brian/daddy!!!


  1. That is very cool Chelsea! It's nice having a handy husband isn't it? Good Job Brian!

  2. That looks great!! Great job, Brian!! (And it looks like a nice height for short people like me!)I'm impressed with your craftsmanship. :)

  3. Thanks ladies! it turned out great and he did it pretty quickly too! I am for sure impressed and now have a list of things I would like him to make for me! :)

  4. Very cool bench! I am very impressed, Brian!!!!

    Get that list going, Chelsea : )
