Thursday, September 8, 2011

P is for Preschool

Ashlyn celebrated a next step in growing up today, she had her first day of Preschool.  She absolutely LOVED it!  Her teacher is one sweet lady and we are very pleased with her and the preschool.  In the last two days they were able to work with us in getting Ashlyn transferred to a five day a week class from the two day a week morning class she was in.  With my new job it was not going to work to have her stay in the a.m. class. 

I was very happy to hear all about her day and everything that she learned today.  She made a fruit loop necklace, played duck duck goose in p.e., made two new friends, and learned a little finger rhyme!  So much fun in a few short hours!! :)

 Yummy whole wheat peach pancakes for breakfast

 you would never guess that this girl is excited about preschool would you?

 The sign says "I am a preschooler"

 Giant backpack for a little girl!

 Off to school we go!

 The Tangled backpack she had to have, cute

 Love that smile!!

 Someone is NOT pleased about this situation!  Poor Kelti

Ashlyn and Mrs. Gopen her preschool teacher!  She is awesome!!!

Since I was off to do a million and one things for my new job I didn't even have time to think about crying....hoping that next week goes really well since I will be leaving both of my girls....I am going to pray for strength for me and Kelti, I know Ashlyn will be just fine.  

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