Monday, June 25, 2012

five weeks of INSANITY!!!

We finished the recovery week of INSANTIY!  Now onto the Max week.  I am not really looking forward to the max week, which is a lie; I am not looking forward to it at all. J The recovery week went really well.  While the workouts were not super vigorous they were still heart raisers and boy did we work up a sweat, it is amazing to me how much you can sweat just by holding a pose. 

I think that we are coming to the point where we are craving a little bit of bad for us food.  I went out with my coworkers to celebrate the end of the school year and after two glasses of wine I was ready to eat some Chinese food.  I tried to keep away from the temptation by not walking in the door, but once I got home with the girls Brian was also craving Chinese so off to get the food I went…Let me tell you it was good delicious and sooo worth it. 

At the end of the recovery week we headed off to Sun River to celebrate 8 wonderful years of marriage.  I completed my last workout of the week before we headed out! Yay!  So our vacation started off with a day off from a scheduled workout.  We did however go on a 6 mile kayaking trip which was really fun and I did try and do some vigorous paddling to get a nice arm workout in too!  Next week we start the Max Month and our first week will be done in the hotel so that will be an interesting adventure, tune in next week to see how we handle hotel room workouts and eating out for over a week.

Keeping up the INSANITY!!

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